You can write a blog post on surveysparrow core keywords which might attract organic traffic to your website and in turn they will click on your affiliate link. Once they signup for surveysparrow free trial and become a customer you will start earning the commission

So what are the major type of Blog Post which might attract users!

  1. SurveySparrow Review

Customers will look for review of any product before they try it. If you can write a SurveySparrow review or a review on all Online Survey Software, it can attract users to your blog

  1. Comparison Blog

You can write comparison blog post against SurveySparrow competitors , and this will get

  1. Listicles on core keywords

You can write the list of tools available on our market like Say Top 5 Survey Software or Top 3 NPS Software..etc . This may result for better conversion

For ideation and inspiration see some of the blog posts our affiliates already wrote